15 Apr Top Ukrainian Alcohol Distributors & Producers. Wines. Spirits. Beer
Annually, the production of vodka in Ukraine is reduced by 15-20%, and this trend is being remained for 5 years. The largest decline was in 2014 (23.2%), it was caused by the destabilization of the socio-economic situation and the unstable hryvnia exchange rate. According to the results of 2016, Ukraine produced 10.2% less alcohol than in 2015, and the indicator for 2017 decreased by 17.6%, compared with 2016.
According to the State Statistics Service, in 2018, about 12.8 million decaliters of vodka were produced, which is 7% less than in 2017 – 13.6 million decalitres. The leaders in the production of vodka are Bayadera Group with a share of 33%, Global Spirits – 26.5% and Nemiroff – 20.5%. Last year, the state alcohol monopoly Ukrspirt produced 3.96% less alcohol (7.308 million decaliters) than in 2017 (7.609 million decaliters).
According to the Fiscal Service of Ukraine, in 2018 ethyl undenatured alcohol (80% vol. And more) was exported in the amount of $ 3.70 million (6,833 tons), which is 34% more in revenue and 37% in quantity than in 2017 – $ 2.42 million or 4 304 tons. The export of undenatured ethyl alcohol (less than 80% vol.) Amounted to $ 97 million (58 580 tons), which is 7% more in revenue and 1% in quantity than in 2017 – $ 90 million and 58 038 tons.
As for vodka, last year it was exported $ 51.6 million (43 thousand tons), which is $ 4.8 million (2 thousand tons) more than in the same period in 2017. The growth in revenue was 10.2% and 5% in quantity.
According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the countries of the European Union became the main markets for alcohol and vodka. Ukraine sold $ 13.9 million or 13.67 thousand tons of vodka to Europe. This is an increase of 11.3% compared to the same period in 2017. The leading countries in the consumption of Ukrainian vodka in Europe were Latvia ($ 6.4 million), Poland ($ 2.96 million) and Germany ($ 1.7 million).
Ukrainian producers sold vodka to the CIS countries worth $ 13.5 million. Georgia is one of the top Ukrainian vodkas’ consumers, in the amount of 2.8 $ million and the United States $ 2.95 million. Ukraine sold vodka to Azerbaijan for $ 2 million and $ 2.6 million to Armenia, to Moldova – $ 1.3 million and the United Arab Emirates worth $ 1.76 million.
Along with the export of Ukrainian vodka abroad, its import increased in comparison with 2017. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, over the 11 months of 2018, Ukraine increased the import of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in revenue by 23% and by 32% in quantity. During this time, vodka was imported into Ukraine for $ 26 million (10.74 thousand tons), which is 2.65 thousand tons more (in revenue – $ 4.9 million) than for the same period in 2017.
The main importers of vodka products to Ukraine were the EU countries, from which 72% of total imports came to Ukraine – in the amount of $ 17.47 million. Compared to 2017, the growth in imports from the EU grew by 2.37 thousand tons and by $ 3.5 million in revenue. The leading exporting countries are Germany, Latvia and Finland.
According to the Fiscal Service of Ukraine, last year imported non-denatured ethyl alcohol (80% vol. And more) worth $ 4 thousand (2 tons), which is 50% more than for the same period in 2017 – $ 2 thousand (1 ton) Due to the increase in the price of local alcohol, Ukrainians are tending to buy imported beverages
Prices changes
By the end of 2018, the Ukrainian government adjusted the minimum prices for certain types of alcohol. The wholesale price of vodka at the rate of 1 liter of pure alcohol increased by 52.33 hryvnias (up to about 321 hryvnias – 4.5-13.5%). Retail sales – by 49.24 hryvnias (up to 447 hryvnias – 12.4%).
The price of a 0.5 bottle of “three-star” brandy increased by 7.4% to 128.3 hryvnias, of a “four-star” by 8% – to 139.3 hryvnias, of a “five-star” by 9.5% to – 151.7 hryvnias, whiskey, gin, and rum by 12%.
Ukrainian Distributors
1. Ukrimport
Ukrimport was found in 1996 as an importer and distributor of alcoholic beverages. The history of the company begins on the day the KVINT Trading House joint venture was established in Ukraine. In the process of development, branches and independent enterprises were organized, performing various auxiliary functions throughout the country.
Web: www.ukrimport.com
Email: contact@ukrimport.com
Теl: +38 (0482) 42-90-23 (24, 25)Fax: +38 (0482) 37-93-08; +38 (0482) 37-93-31; +38 (048) 711-79-87
Address: st. Dvoryanskaya, Odessa 865023, Ukraine
2. Marussia Beverages Ukraine
It is part of the international group of companies Marussia Beverages BV.
Import and distribution of premium alcoholic beverages.
Countries partners: Georgia, France, Italy, Austria, Chile, South Africa, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Japan, the Caribbean.
Tel/Fax:+38 044 455 55 14;38 044 455 55 13
Adress: st. Yuriy Kondratyuk, house 4 V, off.72, Kiev 04201, Ukraine
3. Vitis Group
Founded in 2008, Vitis Group occupies a worthy place both in the on-trade and off-trade segments.
The company works directly with famous wine houses, some of which have become a legend, for example, Louis Roederer, Frescobaldi.
Web: www.vitis.ua; www.wineinfo.com.ua
Email: office@vitis.com.ua
Tel: (044) 484-44-30
Fax: (044) 484-44-31
Address: st. Sichovy Streltsov, 52 A, office No. 147, Kiev 04053, Ukraine.
4. Olimp
Markets: India, USA, South Korea, Brazil, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Germany, France, Poland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Canada, South Africa, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia and others.
Тел: + 380 44 3924800
E-mail: export@olimp-uac.ua
Website: www.olimp.ua
Adress: 03680, Kyiv, Peremohy avenue, 53а
5. Pernod Ricard Ukraine
Specialization: Importer, Distributor
Product: spirits, wines
Tel/Fax: +38 (044) 354-17-70
Email: info.ua@pernod-ricard.com
Address: Business Center Eleven, st. Solom’yanska, 11, metro Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine.
6. Worldwide Spirits Wine Group
Worldwide Spirits Wine Group is an exclusive importer of wines and spirits directly from leading European and world manufacturers. The company’s portfolio includes products of Astoria Wines, Anno Domini 47, Botter, Sordo, Tombacco and other world brands.
E-mail: sergeym@svgroup-a.com.ua
Web: www.wswgroup.com.ua
Tel: +38 (096) 397 61 45
Address: Kyiv, 04119, st. Melnikova, 83-a
7. GoodWine
Importer, distributor, and shop all rolled into one.
Tel: (044) 390 79 62
Fax: (044) 390 79 60
Address: Kyiv, st. Mechnikova 9
Our team is available to your inquiries at any time.
We are looking forward to assisting you.
Rating of 18 largest alcohol companies in Ukraine

Owner: Natalya Bondareva
Revenue: UAH 5.33 billion

Owner: Anheuser-Busch InBev
Revenues: UAH 3.82 billion

Owner: Yakov Gribov,
Anatoly Kipish, Stepan Glus
Revenue: UAH 1.85 billion

Owner: Vazha Iukuridze
Revenue: UAH 0.76 billion

Owner: Albion Capital Limited
Revenue: UAH 0.53 billion

Owner: Juzef Adam Bcewski
Revenue: UAH 0.27 billion

Owner: Alexander Slobodyan
Revenue: UAH 4.78 billion

Owner: Eugene Chernyak
Revenue: UAH 3 billion

Owner: Victor Gordeev, Gennady Nevesenko
Revenue: UAH 1.8 billion

Owner: Lyudmila Rusalina,
Elena and Nikolay Petrenko
Revenue: UAH 0.71 billion

Owner: Boris Kolesnikov,
Sergey Kiy, Igor Akhmetov
Revenue: UAH 0.39 billion

Owner: Vasily Mikitovich
Revenue: UAH 0.27 billion

Owner: Baltic Bev. Invest Aktiebolag
Revenue: UAH 4.58 billion

Owner: Neil Smith
Revenues: UAH 2.27 billion

Owner: Andrey Matsola, EBRD
Revenue: UAH 1.35 billion

Owner: Pavel Klimets
Revenue: UAH 0.61 billion

Owner: Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei GmbH
Revenue: UAH 0.30 billion

Owner: Anatoly Kisil and family
Revenue: UAH 0.13 billion