
Franchise catalog

Only a successful brand guarantees sustainable profitability. 

франшизы ресторанов

Franchise Directory in Ukraine by Proriat Franchise Development. The company specializes in the opening and management of franchising establishments. Which franchise will be profitable in your city? Which brand is now recognizable and can guarantee the popularity of your restaurant? Buying a ready-made solution is not a guarantee that you will make a profit. Many, even successful, restaurants are being closed due to mistakes in the management of the enterprise. A restaurant is a regular control and analysis of the organization’s activities. Only competent management can guarantee the expected profitability, dynamic growth and a stable return on investment. We will become your reliable partner, effectively supporting the successful operation of the enterprise. Our team will ensure the stable development of the company, attracting partners and opening new locations.

Franchising is an effective investment tool

Find the best franchise opportunity

Franchises of a coffee shop, pizzeria, burger joint, sushi bar.

Coffee shop franchises are a popular trend in many countries. With the growing demand for coffee and its beverages, coffee franchises are becoming a popular investment opportunity. Opening a franchised coffee shop is not a challenging task nowadays. It is important to understand what your budget is, where you want to open it and on what terms. A coffee shop is not just a business that can be operated by itself. You will need to regularly deal with the supervision and operational management of the enterprise. If you decide to buy a franchise, we recommend that you contact us for a comprehensive analysis of the proposal, the selection of a profitable location and the opening of a project. Our team and franchise directory at your service.

Франшизы Ресторанов
Франшизы Ресторанов

A burger restaurant franchise is a popular concept that is easy to implement and becomes a major competitor to many restaurants. Burgers have long entered the daily life of the new generation, as they are also called “millennial generation”. A large number of target audience does not require much effort to attract it. Many rules are already in place, and if you have a good product in the right place, then that is part of the success. Buying a burger franchise is the goal, desire, and even the dream of many entrepreneurs. To make your restaurant profitable, you need to be well versed in marketing, management, sales and finance. To be able to form a team focused on results. Thinking strategically in order to analyze the competition and develop your business steadily. Visit ukrainian franchise catalog to learn about franchise opportunities. And our team will provide a guarantee of the profitability of your enterprise.

The sushi bar franchise is among the top popular business solutions. This franchising concept attracts with its minimal investment and low location requirements. Due to the active development of delivery services, sushi has become a key player in the food and beverage market. A sushi bar franchise can be realized both in the city center and in a residential area with a focus on delivery. Japanese cuisine is easy to understand for the experienced restaurateur, but often misleading for aspiring entrepreneurs. Well-functioning business processes of your enterprise play a major role in stable operation and obtaining the desired profit. If you want to buy a franchise, create a brand, develop your establishment, then we are waiting for your application to analyze in more detail all possible solutions. To find a profitable restaurant or fast food franchise, visit our directory.

Франшизы Ресторанов
франшиза ресторана

The pizzeria franchise is a successful business model that has been operating for many years around the world. Entrepreneurs often think about starting their own establishment and do not want to buy a franchise, as they believe, due to the high cost of the initial fee and monthly royalties. This is not the case with every brand. It may take years to create a new product, and the cost of the concept implementation eventually can be much higher than the lump sum. Buying a pizzeria franchise minimizes risks and provides an additional competitive advantage through brand awareness. If you are planning to open only one unit, then a franchised pizzeria may be a good option. If you want a large-scale project, to develop your brand, then the solution of creating your own brand is more suitable for you: “Turnkey” pizzeria. We are looking forward to your enquires and will be glad to work with you.

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